Customer strategy on tour in Albania

This spring, our sister organization ASIG (State Authority for Geospatial Information) in Albania reached out to us. They wanted to learn how to make better use of their data. In May, we organized a 2-day workshop at ASIG in Tirana, focusing on improving their customer strategy. 

From promising tot delivering

During the workshop, 12 ASIG employees worked on their customer canvas guided by 2 experts from Kadaster’s Services & Marketing department. Divided into three teams, each team represented a product group. The product groups were:

  1. Remote sensing products, services and database
  2. Investigate possibilities to create revenue on positioning services
  3. Services on improving and combining of open data to create revenue

We shared experiences with working with the canvas, developing customer strategy scenarions and various forms of customer research. Using the customer canvas the participants reflected on what value they want to offer to their different users. And how they want to deliver on these promises.

Future work and goals

After two intensive days, the participants were tired but satisfied. One participant said: 'We learned a lot about marketing aspects, but we also learned how to work together in the workshop. We don't take the time for that in our daily work.'  Each team concluded with an action list that they presented to the director of ASIG. 

The follow up plans focus on customer value, partners, channels, customer promise and the possibility to create revenue. They want to achieve these goals through:

  • Having more sessions to detail the ideas and plans created during the workshop.
  • Developing the Marketing-function within ASIG (capability).
  • Performing marketing research questionnaires to harvest needs and wishes from customers.
  • Refining the marketing promise and strategy quarterly.

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