New feature: quality labels for boundaries

Kadaster publishes the cadastral map, which shows the location and boundaries of parcels.  As professional users know, it is a graphic representation mainly meant for orientation.

Cadastral map not for exact measurements

Since the map is available as an open dataset, its use has increased tenfold. Now, also many non-professionals make use of the map. This group often assumes that the cadastral map can be used for exact measurements.
But that’s not the case. Only surveyors can provide information about exact measurements.


Quality labels for boundaries

To make everyone understand that the cadastral map is just for orientation, we developed a new feature: quality labels for boundaries.
These labels provide insight into the accuracy with which the boundaries are depicted, by providing information about the deviation of the drawn boundaries on the map compared to actual boundaries in the terrain.

Open dataset cadastral map

You can access the open dataset on the website Public Services on the Map (in Dutch).