About us
Kadaster: who we are, what we do and why we do it? The clip gives you an answer to these questions in 2 minutes.
Collect and register data on property and rights involved
The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency – in short Kadaster – collects and registers administrative and spatial data on property and the rights involved. This also goes for ships, aircraft and telecom networks. Doing so, Kadaster protects legal certainty. We are also responsible for national mapping and maintenance of the national reference coordinate system. Furthermore, we are an advisory body for land-use issues and national spatial data infrastructures.
International activities
Kadaster carries out international activities. Together with national partners worldwide, such as governmental organisations and universities, we further develop knowledge and skills in land administration and geographic data. In addition, we actively participate in international umbrella organisations.
More about Kadaster
Our information is available predominantly through online web services, including information on energy labels of houses and underground cables and pipelines. Our main customer groups are civil-law notaries, local authorities, businesses, financial institutions and private individuals. Kadaster maintains the Key Registers Cadastre and Topography.
Kadaster performs its public tasks in service of society. This is reflected in the way we are organised and the ways in which we publicly account for how we work.
It is Kadaster’s statutory task to maintain a number of registrations. Examples are the registration of real estate, topography, ships and aircraft.
National facilities
Besides information from its own registrations, Kadaster also provides information from registrations of other parties. For them, we maintain so-called national facilities, by means of which we provide access to the data. Examples are the facilities for addresses and buildings, cables and pipelines, and energy labels.
Information provision
Information provision is another key task of ours. The information products from the registrations and national facilities come in various shapes and forms, such as: data files, formal documents or maps. Clients are able to acquire them through personal contact, by phone or through the Internet. To business clients Kadaster offers its web portal My Kadaster, to private citizens it offers the Web Store.
Customised work and advice
We also provide customised work and advice, predominantly to authorities. This refers to data selections and aggregations. Authorities obtain customised information which helps them develop spatial planning policies.
Kadaster is a non-departmental public body, under the political responsibility of The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Its Executive Board is chaired by Mr Frank Tierolff.
The plans for reaching its goals Kadaster lays down in its Long-term Policy Plan. The plan is publicly available, it is updated every year. Also every year, Kadaster publicly accounts for the results it was able to reach in its Annual Report.
Our staff will be happy to assist. Please feel free to contact us.