Ontheemd (Displaced), a film about having hearth and home
The Netherlands
In the Netherlands, land rights are taken for granted and are effectively regulated. Each piece of land has been meticulously mapped out by the Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Kadaster). In a case of expropriation, this is carried out in accordance with legal procedures. Data that provide support and help in making choices.
Colombia is only in the early stages of peace after more than 50 years of civil war. A chance to organise the land rights of the farmers who live without any official proof of ownership in the jungle where the guerrilla war raged.
In Nepal, the 2015 earthquake caused enormous damage with thousands of deaths and nearly 1 million displaced people. The disaster does, however, offer an opportunity for change: disenfranchised farmers without property deeds who have worked the land of landowners under an old feudal system, now have the opportunity to claim the rights to the land they have been living and working on for generations.
International collaboration on the registration of land and property
In 70% of the world, ownership registration is not yet properly organised. Kadaster collaborates internationally on the registration of land and property. In this respect, we are considered a world leader.
About the creators John Appel and Heddy Honingmann
John Appel became famous for his documentary 'Zij gelooft in mij' (She believes in me), about André Hazes, a popular Dutch singer. This won him the Best Film award at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). Heddy Honigmann has won multiple national and international awards for her films, including two Golden Calves. In 2016, she was awarded the prestigious Oeuvre Prize by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (Prince Bernhard Culture Fund).