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Partnership LAND

The LAND programme 2015-2019 was a Dutch partnership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Kadaster, with expert contributions from (inter)national governments, private companies, NGOs, knowledge centres and universities. In this programme, Kadaster organised about 30 short term projects. These so called LAND actions were all performed in the context of (possible) application of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFP LA) as a means to improve legal certainty, to stimulate economic development, to fight poverty, to contribute to post-conflict and post-disaster recovery and gender equality and to help prevent (environmental) criminality. 

Land Administration for National Development

The LAND actions were all small-scale interventions and ranged from desk research to actual pilots in the field, from fact finding discussions  with  policy  makers  and  politicians  to  professional discussions   with   cadastral   institutions   abroad,   conferences   and communication products. Many times, a LAND action was followed  by  a  larger  land  administration  project,  financed  by other national or international funds.

Land tenure atlas

With a global, digital land tenure atlas, the impact and progress of FFP LA can be indicatively assessed and monitored. The framework and architecture of the atlas were defined, with suggestions on content/layout and publication.


This report bundles experiences by a variety of actors, giving an overview of implementation strategies and best practices in recording overlapping and complementary land rights. With a special focus on land rights for vulnerable groups.


Citizens in Cuba can acquire private property of land and real estate again. After two failed attempts Kadaster was asked to do a needs assessment for a successful implementation of an urban cadastre.

This partnership clearly demonstrated the willingness of governments to more actively ignite securing land rights for all, using knowledge of organisations like Kadaster together with innovative approaches.

Frank Tierolff - Chair of the Executive Board of Kadaster


After this LAND project, the Beninese cadastre (ANDF), Kadaster, VNG International and the Royal Netherlands Embassy have agreed on a 4 year project on modernisation of the land  administration. It started in 2018.

Arab land conference

At the Arab region Conference (2018), Kadaster and the Jordanian Department of Land and Survey shared experiences in land administration and digital archiving. They promoted cross-border cooperation for the benefit of peace and understanding.


A multi-stakeholder dialogue and workshop series conducted by Kadaster revealed Nepal is well placed in terms of laws, capacity, and collaboration for supporting the country-wide application of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in the land sector.

Secure land rights contribute to inclusive and sustainable development, which is particularly important for the position of women and vulnerable groups in society.

Carola van Rijnsoever - Director Inclusive Green Growth/Ambassador Sustainable Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands


The agricultural sector has a key role to play in poverty reduction and social stability. One of the instruments to scale up productivity, efficiency and tenure security is land consolidation. The needs assessment showed necessary steps on central and local level. Kadaster is involved in follow-up projects.

Latin Cadastres

After the 2016 Latin cadastres conference several Fit-For-Purpose pilots were started, like here in a post-conflict area of Colombia. Land titling is a very strong instrument to support a peaceful society. Land administration may also contribute to food security and prevention of deforestation.

Brazil Mato Grosso

The feasibility of the FFP approach for speeding up formalisation of land rights was tested in 2 pilot areas. This was done in cooperation with the national land reform institute and other state level institutions. As a result land certificates were supplied to land owners.

Africa symposium

In 2017, Kadaster and the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya organised the Eastern Africa regional surveyors conference. Participants acknowledged the critical role for the surveyor in a successful application of FFP LA.


The PaLaR pilot indicated a time efficiency that is useful to accelerate land parcel registration and it provided a good showcase for cheaper land registration in rural areas in Indonesia.

Handbook movie

Many participatory mapping initiatives generate a lot of land data with varying quality and missing meta data. A handbook movie explains how the quality becomes verifiable... 

Next steps

While the LAND programme ended, a new programme funded by the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs was launched in 2019: LAND-at-Scale.