News item: Transforming Benin’s land management
Benin is in the process of transforming its land management. Discover how this project empowers local authorities and how it promotes sustainable land management.
Read moreBenin is a stable, French speaking country in Western Africa. Despite a relatively new national law on land administration, the number of registered parcels with a formal land title (Titre Foncier) is low. Procedures are complex, take too long and most people cannot afford a land title.
Since the start of the project in 2019, a fully digital land registration system for recording presumed ownership was developed by the project team and ANDF. ANDF is the agency in Benin responsible for land registration. They also developed the representation of parcels in the digital map: e-Foncier Bénin (e-FB).
In the meantime, more than 450.000 parcels are mapped and the presumed owners are recorded in 12 municipalities after a thorough adjudication process. These titles can easily be changed in permanent titles. A similar status as the Titre Foncier. This way the owners are able to get a mortgage loan from the bank.
Equally as important are procedures for data maintenance. A reliable system contains data that is complete and up to date. Benin is preparing legislation that will enable parties in the chain to keep their data up to date.
In the 12 municipalities where presumed ownership has been recorded, training courses have already started to train staff members how to maintain the data in e-FB.
The Beninese government drew up a National Land Programme in 2024. The aim of this programme is to set up a nation-wide cadastre in all 77 communities of Benin. To continue our technical support to ANDF and the Beninese government in this major task, the Dutch Embassy is providing us with funds to extend the project until mid-2026.
2018 - 2026
Benin is in the process of transforming its land management. Discover how this project empowers local authorities and how it promotes sustainable land management.
Read moreRead more on the website Project PPMEC.
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