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Colombia: LAND at scale

In Colombia’s post-conflict context, access to land and tenure security are still a cause of many conflicts and inequalities. Especially Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities are amongst the most vulnerable groups in Colombia. Their land tenure insecurity has a negative effect on the possibilities for livelihood improvements, and on the protection of natural resources within their territories.


The 'LAND-at-scale' project in Colombia aims to support land administration processes of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities in a fair, efficient and effective manner. To create security for the communities to invest in sustainable income generating activities in those areas. Combining improved tenure security with income generating activities. And protecting natural resources results in an integrated approach.


We all got to know the whole property. So we are very happy with this, now we want to advance and in some time this will be an official indigenous reserve.

Bunkey Torres, 2022 - Indigenous youngster, participated in the parcel measurements of the Indigenous community, Sierra Nevada, Santa Marta

More about this project

  1. Improved tenure security and reduced conflict about land in Indigenous, Afro-Colombian and mixed population communities.
  2. Strengthened livelihoods through development of sustainable economic activities.
  3. Improved protection and use of environmental resources.
  4. Broader acceptance and application of the Fit-for-Purpose approach for obtaining tenure security, thus creating a solid base for income-generating activities and natural resource protection at national, regional and local level.
  5. Active engagement of the Colombian governmental institutions, NGOs (international), development partners and financial institutions.

Expected long term outcomes of the project:

  • Security of land tenure (for all, including vulnerable groups like women) in indigenous, Afro-Colombian and mixed communities.
  • Sustainable economic development options for indigenous, Afro-Colombian and mixed communities are created by social structuring through Fit for Purpose.
  • Natural resources are protected, and climate resilience is strengthened.
  • The Fit-for-Purpose Approach is the leading methodology for obtaining tenure security.

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries that is carried out by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The LAND-at-scale project in Colombia is being implemented by Kadaster, Conexión (previously ICCO Cooperation) and Tropenbos Colombia. 

January 2020 - November 2024


News item: Expanding fit-for-purpose and scaling-up in Colombia

A new 'booster' project in Colombia aims to scale up best practices in indigenous land governance and innovate the fit-for-purpose approach.

Read more


More info and contact

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