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Moldova: Land registration and property valuation

The government of Moldova received a credit from the World Bank Group to finance the Land Registration and Property Valuation project. This project aims at improving the quality of land administrations and property valuation systems and to enhance the transparency of these systems.
The project consists of 4 components: 

  1. first property registration
  2. property valuation and taxation
  3. land administration system strengthening
  4. capacity building and project management

As part of component 3, this project aims at developing the national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) of Moldova, following the principles of INSPIRE, the European SDI. A well-functioning NSDI is a key asset to tackle the many societal challenges Moldova is facing. Good coordination between the different NSDI stakeholders is one of the prerequisites for a successful NSDI development.

The Agency for Land Registration and Cadastre (ALRC) is the responsible public body to coordinate the implementation of the NSDI plans. This assignment focuses on supporting ALRC in its role as  coordinator of the NSDI in Moldova.

More about this project

  • support to the implementation of the NSDI Action Plan, Business Plan and Business Model
  • support to the NSDI use-cases development

The implementation of the NSDI has many aspects, but the following results could be identified:

  • establishment of a Centre of Excellence (CoE)
  • NSDI communication plan and outreach strategy
  • NSDI innovation strategy
  • data quality management plan
  • private sector stakeholder management
  • capacity building of data suppliers and other NSDI stakeholders
  • support for data standardization and – harmonization 
  • development of innovative solutions for selected use cases, together with local consultants and using best practices from other countries
  • KU Leuven – Belgium 
  • Epsilon – Italy 

October 2022 – July 2024 



More info and contact

If you want more information about the project or if you want to contact us, please fill in the contact form.

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